Hello 2022!


Where did all the time go? Sounds cliché. But, seriously... I can't help but wonder what happened to my 2021. What did I achieve? What were my regrets? What mistakes did I make? Wait, what's my new year's resolution? Those questions kept on repeating in my head a few hours before the new year is about to start.

I had some serious reflection and I realised that I am one lucky and blessed girl. My 2021 was okay, not that bad. Despite me being positive for Covid in the last part of the year and had an untimely home quarantine before and during Christmas. It's safe to say that I still wrapped up the year with more good stories to share. Also, who else in the UK still not got the virus at some point? LOL. It's just sometimes crazy how the pandemic is starting to become not scary at all. Anyways... 

Every time new year starts, I always find myself asking: What am I grateful for? To answer that, I have thought about the most significant things that happened to me in the previous year. One of the most relevant part of my year was when I got the job in the area that I have always wanted to work for, Oncology Department. I have successfully transferred from a surgical ward to Chemo Unit last September. It was a dream! I'm currently still a Band 5. I'm taking my time and learning as much as I can. I'm in no rush to move up to the next level yet, though in God's time... when I'm ready and equipped, I'll get there. I'll save that moment for 2022's (or 2023) best - crossing fingers.

I have not travelled much last year, so I don't have anything to add on that department. 

The highlight of my year was when I have saved enough to acquire a new property in the Philippines. It's a three bedroom, two toilet bungalow house in a subdivision. It wasn't an easy process. It was hard work and a lot of effort, not to mention the stress and financial sacrifices in between. But it was all worth it. I was only dreaming and praying for it before, and now I have made it possible after more than a year of working here in the UK. 

It is also worth mentioning that middle of December, a very strong typhoon called Odette hit Philippines and wrecked havoc in many places in the country including my hometown, Bacolod and my second home, Cebu. It was very devastating. There were a lot of families that lost their homes and loved ones. There were no electricity, phone and internet signals were cut off. Scarcity in water for couple of weeks were the main issues after the storm. Even up to this writing, the problem still persists in some cities that were greatly affected. 
I am thankful that my family and loved ones were all safe - that's the most important thing, and that's why it's on this list.

There's still so much to work on, many dreams yet to fulfill. Many blessings to count. Many mistakes and failures to learn from. Big and small wins to celebrate for. 
Being resilient despite the uncertainties is our best weapon to face this year with game-face on. Let us be ready for what's thrown our way and for what's more to come. The virus is still out there, natural calamities are always expected. Human as we are, we are bound to make mistakes - but we always find a way to bounce back smarter and stronger. 

2021 was never easy, but we made it.
2022 will be our year. Let's live it. 


new house

 “Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.” —Joel Osteen


What about you? What are you thankful for?


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